Objet :
- ...Et très prochainement...
Dear Partner,
Would you please check a compilation of articles and announcements posted recently on the CBFP website (www.pfbc-cbfp.org) as a database of the activities of our partners:
Readers' corner: our partners' publications
Central Africa adopts common position ahead of the 19th session of the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Douala (Cameroon), 16-19 September 2013 - A sub-regional workshop was held at the La Falaise Hotel in Bonanjo to strengthen the capacities of the Climate Working Group and prepare for the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change scheduled to hold from 11 to 22 November 2013 in Warsaw, Poland... Read more …
GABON: revamping the national CEFDHAC forum and informing civil society organizations on climate change
The workshop which took place in Libreville from 24 to 25 September 2013 by CEFDHAC-Gabon, aimed to revamp the Gabon National CEFDHAC Forum and provide information on climate change. The event was held as part of the support project to "the participation of civil society in the sustainable management of forest ecosystems through consultation platforms in landscapes, stakeholder networks, national and sub-regional fora of the CEFDHAC project...Read more …
- WWF - RDC: Towards “Carbon mapping and REDD+ model projects in the DRC”
Kinshasa (RDC), 24-25 September 2013 – a workshop was held to launch the project “Carbon map and model”... Read more …
- Welcome to our New Partner: The Nature Conservancy (TNC)!
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) officially joins the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP)...Read more …
- Cameroon: Towards the establishment of 15 community radios
Yaounde (Cameroon), September 25, 2013 - His Excellency Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, the Cameroon Minister of Economy, planning and regional development and Mr. Benoit Sossou, the UNESCO Representative, ratified a partnership agreement worth three billion CFA francs for the set up of 15 community radio stations and the reinstatement of 21 others...Read more …
- The emergence of the green economy: civic engagement and the role of public, private actors and civil society
This topic was the focus of two key activities organized by the l’Association Camerounaise pour le Développement, l’Entraide Sociale et la Protection de l’Environnement [Cameroon Association for the Development, Social Assistance and Protection of the Environment] (ACDESPE) which took place in Douala from 3 to 7 June 2013 with the financial support of the World Bank. The activities included the Ecoplus caravan and the National Green Economy Forum... Read more …
- Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) : Global partnership formed to save Africa’s Elephants
Conservation groups and six African countries committed a three-year U.S.$80 million Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) action plan to strengthen security for elephants in their range...Read more …
- Richard Ruggiero, J. Michael Fay, and Lee White - Why Elephants Matter (National Geographic Society)
...The ongoing slaughter of African elephants will be in particular focus, as African states and their partners seek to craft consensus on how best to save the largest land mammal from extinction...Read more …
- WWF Global : Heads of state come together in call for UN action to combat wildlife crime
President Ali Bongo of Gabon called for the appointment of a special UN envoy on wildlife crime as well as a UNGA resolution, a move that was supported by the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs William Hague and the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, as well as other representatives present such as the Norwegian Minister of Environment...Read more …
- COMIFAC countries are gearing up for the eleventh Conference of the Parties (COP 11) to the UNCCD
The Eleventh Conference of the Parties (COP 11) to the UNCCD slated to hold from 16 to 27 September 2013 in Windhoek (Namibia), has prompted the COMIFAC countries to hold a consultation meeting with a view to adopting a common position at the conference...Read more …
- REDD+ Market : Sending Out an SOS
Near-term REDD Credit Supply / Demand Imbalances Threatens to Undermine the Future of Avoided Deforestation Projects...Read more …
- FAO Issues Guidelines on Climate Change for Forest Managers - Forests Policy & Practice
The document/Guide provides guidance on how to identify, assess and prioritize options for adjusting forest management practices in response to climate change: (1) Water availability and quality (2) Fire prevention: enlisting local communities (3) Pests and diseases ...Read more …
- Seven of the world’s most influential conservation organizations and the Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry unite for wildlife
As part of his latest conservation initiative, The Duke of Cambridge brings together an unprecedented collaboration, ´named: "United for Wildlife", is a long-term commitment to tackle the global challenges to the world’s natural resources so they can be safeguarded for future generations...Read more …
- Welcome to our New Partner "The Last Great Ape Organization” (LAGA)!
The Last Great Ape Organisation (LAGA) Joins the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP) Community. find more...
- From the COMIFAC convergence plan to the ECOWAS forest convergence plan
Abidjan (Ivory Coast), 9 to 12 September 2013 – The ECOWAS Council of Ministers in charge of forests, wildlife and the environment adopt a Forest Convergence Plan and the sub-regional action program to combat desertification... Read more...
- New FAO report: Food waste harms climate, water, land and biodiversity
Direct economic costs of $750 billion annually – Better policies required, and “success stories” need to be scaled up and replicated... Read more...
...Et très prochainement...
- 28.09.2013 - 09.10.2013 TRIDOM / UNOPS: Awareness Mission and problem solving on transboundary poaching on rivers and roads Ivindo-Djoua Avima - Ouésso (Congo) – Oyem (Gabon) – Sangmelima Cameroon)
- 02.10.2013 - 05.10.2013 MADEXPO Ecuador 2013: 15th International Timber Trade Show of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
- 03.10.2013 - 05.10.2013International Conference on „Environmental Assessment in Central Africa“, Douala, Cameroon
- 05.10.2013 UNEP-WCMC: Information and Training Workshop of the REDD-PACC Project for the Congo Basin, Douala IIASA
- 16.09.2013 - 11.11.2013 UNITAR Course Announcement: Climate Change Diplomacy: Negotiating Effectively under the UNFCCC,
- 29.09.2013 - 06.10.2013International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID): First World Irrigation Forum, Turkey, Mardin
- 30.09.2013 - 05.10.2013 FAO: 19th Session of the African Forestry and Wildlife Commission (AFWC), Windhoek, Namibia
- 30.09.2013 - 05.10.2013 AFRICAN FORESTRY AND WILDLIFE COMMISSION (AFWC) : Invitation to the 19th Session and the 3rd African Forestry and Wildlife Week, Windhoek, Namibia
- 04.10.2013 - 06.10.2013 Call for Papers: Conference and publication on "grabbing natural resources: Erosion or the legitimate exercise of state sovereignty? ", Universitey of Cagliari (Sardaigne - Italie), Aula Magna del Rettorato
- 06.10.2013 - 11.10.2013 5th World Conference On Ecological Restoration, Madison Winscosin
- 07.10.2013 - 11.10.2013 Training and Information Workshop of the REDD-PACC Project for the Congo Basin, Douala, Cameroon
- 07.10.2013 - 11.10.2013 3rd International Congress on Ecosystem Services in the Tropics, Medellin, Colombia
- 07.10.2013 - 09.10.2013 CEFDHAC’s Capacity Building Workshop on the process of creating and manage transboudary protected areas, Kribi, Cameroon GIZ RAPAC, COMIFAC
- 07.10.2013 - 12.10.2013 CBD: 8th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended working group on Article 8j and related provisions, Montreal, Canada
- 09.10.2013 - 11.10.2013 FAO CBFF, ADB,INPE, COMIFAC: Capacity building Workshop for the MRV regional Project national consultants " “ National monitoring and MNV systems with a regional approach for Congo Basincountries” Project " , Yaounde, Cameroon
- 10.10.2013 - 11.10.2013 CEFDHAC GIZ: Regional Steering Committee of CEFDHAC Kribi, Cameroon
- 12.10.2013 CEFDHAC, IUCN: Launching of the PACEBCO-IUCN-CEFDHAC Project, Kribi, Cameroon
- 14.10.2013 - 18.10.2013 5th ordinary Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), Gaborone, Botswana
- 14.10.2013 - 16.10.2013 GIZ, JICA: COMIFAC National Coordinators Workshop, Kinshasa, DRC
- 14.10.2013 - 19.10.2013 CBD: SBSTTA 17, Montreal, Canada
- 15.10.2013 - 19.10.2013 Africa Climate Conference 2013, 15-18 October - Arusha, Tanzania
- 16.10.2013 World Food Day
- 16.10.2013 COMIFAC : PPECF workshop - The Year 1 Program Presentation, Yaounde (Cameroon)
- 21.10.2013 - 22.10.2013International Forum on sustainable development of the Timber/wood Industries in Congo Basin, Brazzaville, Congo
- 21.10.2013 - 29.10.2013International Colloquium on Environmental Right in Africa , Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
- 21.10.2013 - 22.10.2013 UNECA : Fifth session of the Sub - Regional Coordination Mechanism in support of the United Nations in the implementation of AU / NEPAD program in Central Africa, Douala, Cameroon
- 21.10.2013 - 25.10.2013 ECCAS UNISDR : Second sub -regional platform for disaster risk reduction, Libreville , Gabon
- 23.10.2013 - 24.10.2013 COMIFAC’s Governance Working Group, Brazzaville, Congo
- 23.10.2013 - 24.10.2013 UNECA : Ad hoc Meeting of Experts on Streamlining Tools Market Integration of CEMAC and ECCAS, Douala, Cameroon
- 25.10.2013 UNECA : Third Edition -Days of Integration " Free movement of persons and the right of establishment in Central Africa " Douala, Cameroon
- 29.10.2013 - 31.10.2013 Mweka College of African Wildlife Management: Conférence 50 years of wildlife management training in Africa, Mweka, Tanzanie
- 29.10.2013 - 31.10.2013 Norway: Heads up Oslo REDD Exchange 29 and 30 October 2013
- 29.10.2013 - 31.10.2013Strengthening Forest Governance in West and Central Africa: Forest Governance Forum, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
- 30.10.2013 - 31.10.2013 GIZ ,Chinese Academy of Forestry , European Forest institute 's EU FLEGT Facility Asia office : International Workshop on FLEGT VPAs China BMC China -EU
- 31.10.2013 CIFOR (Center of International Forestry Research): Project FORAFAMA Seminar, Hotel Royal, Kinshasa- RDC
- 04.11.2013 - 06.11.2013Extraordinary Meeting oft he COMIFAC Minister Council, N’Djamena, Tchad
- 04.11.2013 - 11.11.2013Francophonie Meeting of Primotology in Democratic Republic of Congo under the Leadership of SFDP and the Kinshasa University
- 04.11.2013 - 09.11.2013 The INTERPOL Pollution Crime, Wildlife Crime and Fisheries Crime working groups will meet in Nairobi from 4 to 8 November 2013
- 04.11.2013 - 07.11.2013 An African Elephant Summit in Tanzania (Tentative)
- 06.11.2013 International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict
- 07.11.2013 - 12.11.2013 SCBD: 8th Meeting of the Working Group on Article 8(j) and Related Provisions, Montréal, Canada SCDB
- 11.11.2013 - 15.11.2013 CBD: Regional forum on national and regional strategies and actions plans on Biodiversity, Nairobi, Kenya
- 11.11.2013 - 23.11.2013 19th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, Eastern Europe
- 11.11.2013 - 23.11.2013 UNFCCC Secretariat:19th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC 19), Warsaw, Poland
- 14.11.2013 - 19.11.2013 SBSTTA 17 Montréal, Canada SCDB
- 16.11.2013 - 18.11.2013 Global Landscapes Forum: Shaping the climate agenda for forests and agriculture, sidelines of the UNFCCC COP19 in Warsaw, Poland
- 25.11.2013 - 26.11.2013 CMS Notification 2013/024: Invitation: 2nd Meeting of the CMS Strategic Plan Working Group, 25-26 November 2013, Bonn, Germany / Groupe de travail / Grupo de Trabajo
- 25.11.2013 - 01.12.2013 49th Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTO) and the Associated Sessions of the four Committees, ITTC49, Libreville, Gabon
- 26.11.2013 - 29.11.2013 GTBAC 18, Bata, Equatorial Guinea
- 27.11.2013 - 30.11.2013International Conference on Climate Change, Water and Disaster in Mountainous Areas, Kathmandu, Nepal
...More events...
Job offers...
- UPDATE: The 2014 Train Fellowship Competitions is NOW OPEN - Russel E. Train Fellowships 2014 - Democratic Republic of Congo
Application Deadline: FEBRUARY 28, 2014...Read more …
- Join CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+
CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+ is looking for individuals to join our team on the following positions - Scientist, Climate Policy Research, based in Bogor, Indonesi - · Post Doc Fellow for REDD+ policies and Climate Change, based in Burkina Faso - · PhD on gender, policies and climate change, based in Burkina Faso... Read more …
- IUCN’s Global Forest and Climate Change Programme is recruiting a : Communications Officer, Landscape Restoration
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- UNFCCC launches CDM African radio contest 2013
The UNFCCC secretariats announce the launch of the CDM African Radio Contest 2013. This year, the competition's sponsors have generously offered a $2,000 prize for the winners of the contest...Read more …
- Call for Applications: The World Wide Fund for Nature seeks one (1) Programme Manager (Jengi TNS –Trinational de la Sangha)
The deadline for the reception of Applications is October 03, 2013... Read more …
- FAO-FFBC-COMIFAC/ Projet MNV : Consultor Internacional para el Desarrollo del R-PP (Propuesta de Preparación para REDD+) de Guinea Ecuatorial
Las solicitudes, indicando la disponibilidad del candidato, deben ser enviadas a la dirección - FOM-Cons-06-REDD-RPP-CongoBassin@fao.org, antes del 14 de Octubre 2013...Read more …
- FAO-CBFF-COMIFAC / MRV Project: Mandate consultant or holds Personal Services Agreement: International Expert to support the drafting of the Proposal for REDD + (PP-R/RPP) in the Congo Basin countries
The application, indicating the country of preferred allocation and availability, should be sent by email to FOM-Cons-04-REDD-MRV-CongoBassin@fao.org no later than October 10, 2013...Read more …
- Applications open for a New Course on Mangrove Ecosystems for the Western Indian Ocean Region
Together with partners from Kenya, UNU-INWEH has succeeded in securing a grant from the Western Indian Ocean Marine Sciences Association (WIOMSA) through its Marine Science for Management (MASMA) programme to conduct this 11 day regional training course at the University of Nairobi field research facility in Diani, Kenya (2-12 December 2013)...Read more …
- The World Wide Fund for Nature seeks a Programme Manager for Lake Tumba Landscape (DRC)
Deadline for applications: October 4th, 2013...Read more …
- Education for Nature Program (EFN) at WWF-US is opening the 2013 applications for short-term training and diploma training for women conservationists from Cameroon, DRC, CAR, Gabon, and Republic of Congo
The final application deadline is: November 15, 2013... Read more …
- Call for Research Proposal - Assessing local vulnerability to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
Proposals submission: Proposals should be sent tolsancheza@iadb.org from August 26 until October 1, 2013... Read more …
- Park Director, Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Republic of Congo, Bomassa, Republic of Congo
Deadline for applications November 30th, 2013...Read more …
- Funding Opportunities from the U.S.: USFWS Grant Announcement - Deadline 1 October
Deadline for applications October 1st, 2013... Read more …
- Call for applications : UNEP/CMS Secretariat announce the 2013 CMS Small Grants Programme (SGP)
Applicants are encouraged to submit their complete applications by the deadline of 30 November 2013...Read more …
- Call for Applications: The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is seeking its Country Director, Madagascar
Deadline for applications October 6th, 2013...Read more …
- Call for Applications: FAO is seeking a „fonctionnaire chargé des terres et des eaux“, based in Libreville, Gabon
Deadline for applications September 27th, 2013...Read more …
More job offers
It would be greatly appreciated, if you can forward this information to your colleagues, friends or anyone who may be interested in the CBFP flash news. Please do forward your suggestions to dany.pokem@pfbc-cbfp.org I remain at your disposal for further information.
Best regards from CBFP Facilitation,
Tel: 0049 176 24 09 50 50
e-mail: dany.pokem@pfbc-cbfp.org
Internet: http://www.pfbc-cbfp.org/accueil.html http://ccr-rac.pfbc-cbfp.org