Congrès mondial des parcs - Marquez les dates: Nouvelles brochures disponibles pour téléchargement - (1) La Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) et (2) le Programme régional pour l'environnement en Afrique centrale (CARPE)
WCS: CREATION ET GESTION DES PARCS – DES PARCS POUR SAUVER LA FAUNE, un appel à l'action - vendredi, quatorze novembre: 18.30-20.30 au Novotel Sydney Olympic Park - Olympic Boulevard. Freschwater Ballroom – Sydney Olympic Park NSW 212 (sur invitation seulement / Programme régional pour l'environnement en Afrique centrale (CARPE): Un Congrès mondial des Parcs organisé par l’UICN, 5ème couloir, Evénement parallèle, Comment concilier les défis du développement - 14 novembre 2014 10 h30-12h00 Salle 4 Nth Pod...
- Are we moving toward a world without Wildlife?
- A Bigger Role for Civil Society Civil society can help. Parks were once considered the responsibility only of governments, but today communities, conservation organizations, and individuals provide vital technical support and even manage or co-manage parks.
- A Call to Action: The World Parks Congress - The 2014 World Parks Congress is an opportunity for the world to renew its commitment to parks. WCS urges that we achieve the following objectives.
A program of brief presentations followed by discussion groups. Coffee will be served.
- “CARPE’s long-term landscape scale approach to protected areas in the Congo Basin” – Diane Russell, PhD., Senior Social Scientist, Forestry and Biodiversity Office, USAID
- “Conservation planning in the CARPE landscapes” – Andrew Plumptre, PhD., Director Albertine Rift & Kirstin Siex, PhD., Deputy Director, Africa Program, Wildlife Conservation Society
- “Lessons from community involvement in protected area management in Africa” – Daudi Sumba, Vice President, Program Design, African Wildlife Foundation
- “Challenges and solutions for combatting poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking in Central Africa” – Emma Stokes, PhD., Regional Advisor, Africa Program, Wildlife Conservation Society
- “Improving forest and protected area management through land-use mapping and monitoring in the Congo Basin” – Crystal Davis, Manager, Global Forest Watch, World Resources Institute
- “Are we making a difference? Five measures to assess our conservation impact” – David Wilke, PhD., Director, Conservation Science and Solutions, Wildlife Conservation Society
Images credits: CARPE Flyer at WPC
For more Information, please download the Flyers available below:
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