CCNUCC: Rapport de l'atelier sur les aspects techniques et scientifiques des écosystèmes avec des réservoirs haute teneur en carbone qui ne sont pas couverts par d'autres articles de la Convention
Disponible qu'en anglais ci-dessous:
This document contains the report on the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice workshop on technical and scientific aspects of ecosystems with high-carbon reservoirs not covered by other agenda items under the Convention, held on 24–25 October 2013 in Bonn, Germany. The report summarizes the information provided by scientific experts and representatives of Parties, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and international and regional research programmes and organizations on the technical and scientific aspects of ecosystems with high-carbon reservoirs, such as coastal marine ecosystems, in the context of wider mitigation and adaptation efforts. It also provides a summary of the main technical and scientific elements arising from the workshop.
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