FAO-ICRAF-CATIE : Apprentissage en ligne sur l'agroforesterie pour la sécurité alimentaire et l'atténuation des changements climatiques - Février 2013
Pour de plus amples informnations, bien vouloir contacter: Maria.Nuutinen@fao.org et consulter l'annonce ci-dessous en anglais:
FAO welcomes those interested in agroforestry and climate change mitigation to participate in an online learning event organized in the Community of practice for climate change mitigation in agriculture. The event is organized jointly by FAO in collaboration with key agroforestry partners including the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) and the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF).
The online learning event concentrates on the following topics:
♦ Advancing agroforestry on the policy agenda: cases of intersectorial dialogue for promoting agroforestry
♦ Agroforestry, food security and climate change
♦ Landscape planning and economics of agroforestry and climate change mitigation
♦ To facilitate exchange of knowledge on agroforestry in terms of practices, as well as policy and strategic decision making, and their impact on agroforestry contribution to local and national economy, climate change mitigation and sustainability.
♦ To contribute to the organization of the International Conference Forests for Food Security and Nutrition (Rome, Italy, from 13 to 15 May 2013) including the preparation of background documents.
We carry out a 3-week online learning event on agroforestry from 4th until 26th of February 2013. The event will present 4 online seminars, “webinars”, and related facilitated discussions between the events (through emails and forums Dgroup and LinkedIn).
The event is specially inviting participation of policy makers, practitioners, researchers and NGOs concerned by the optimization of trees on farm and landscape for agriculture and climate change mitigation.
How to register
Join the Community of Practice for Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture by filling out the form. You will receive an invitation to the forums and the webinars.
Welcome to the learning event!
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