AfriquEnvironnementPlus-BIODIGESTER: innovative technology to help tackle climate change in Africa

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Saving our planet is proving vital for everyone. Hence, the flurry of conferences, meetings and symposia and other initiatives conducted with the sole aim of seeking and finding adequate ways to combat climate change caused by global warming. In the face of disasters triggered by climate change, finding solutions is crucial. Burkina Faso, a Sahel country, has found an innovative solution with several benefits, exported from Rwanda, dubbed "the biodigester. "
Africa, one of the most vulnerable continents to climate variability and change owing to multiple stresses and low response and adaptative capacity, is deploying mechanisms to fight the harmful effects of climate change as well as threats to animal species. This was the inspiration behind the International Conference of Ministers of Defense, Security and Protected Areas on the fight against poaching and other cross-border criminal activities, that was held in N'Djamena, Chad. The conference culminated in the N'Djamena Declaration and led to the holding of the 1st edition of the Climate Finance Mobilization Conference, which brought together leaders of high-forest/low deforestation countries (HFLD countries) ...
Despite efforts made and battles waged through a host of meetings, conferences and declarations by developing countries who bear the brunt of climate change which in turn is caused by industry in developed countries, the only hurdle is funding, which poses a major challenge. This issue prompted the holding of the first edition of the climate finance mobilization conference, which brought together leaders of high-forest/low-deforestation countries (HFLD countries) in Paramaribo (Surinam). The meeting produced a document entitled "Krutu of Paramaribo Joint Declaration" which was adopted by conference speakers from around the world. The Declaration urges the international community to honor funding pledges made for the benefit of developing countries.
Environmental and tourism issues are interrelated and inseparable which is why the first caravan of the African Charter of Sustainable and Responsible Tourism was held in Brazzaville to promote the development of respectful tourism.
Africa has always played a leading role in the fight against climate change. As part of its efforts, the network of African Experts for Forests, Agriculture, Energy and Climate Change (REFACC) will be organizing the 2nd edition of the African Days of Ecology and Climate Change in March entitled: How can the Energy and Ecological transitions be successfully implemented in Africa?
All these initiatives help combat climate change which is wreaking havoc on the African continent. All of us [Africans], need to be aware of the seriousness of the adverse effects.
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